
What is Anavar?

Active time: up to 8-12h
Average doses: 20-50mg daily (divided dose)
Purpose: strength, sculpture, definition
Operation: effects can be noticed from the second week (depending on doses)
Dosage duration: 4-6 weeks
Detection: up to 3 weeks
Properties: very highly anabolic low androgenic, lack of aromatization, low toxicity
HPTA blocking: very low
Unlocking: 24h after the last tablet

Anavar also known as oxandrolone is probably the steroid with the best anabolic / adeno proper relationship. This means that it is very strongly anabolic and minimally androgenic. In terms of its chemical structure, it is similar to methyltestosterone, but its characteristics differ significantly from this agent. This is probably the safest steroid available on the market. It has the unique ability to stimulate phosphocreatine synthesis in muscle cells, which accelerates the regeneration and increase of ATP. It also speeds up the protein synthesis process. In various studies on oxandrolone, the opinion appears that oxandrolone alone, despite its very strong anabolic properties, is not a good steroid to build muscle mass, but it has been proven that it enhances and accelerates the effect of many other steroids - it works synergistically. It causes a strong increase in strength and works perfectly cosmetically - the increase in muscle hardness in the absence of aromatization looks perfect at low levels of fatty tissue - even at high doses, water retention is unnoticeable, and gynecomastia does not appear at all. This is important for the representatives of these sports, in which the athlete can not afford to increase body weight and he wants to increase strength. In bodybuilding, to achieve a significant increase in muscle mass, it is taken simultaneously with anabolics with more pronounced androgenic properties: testosterone esters, metanabol or trenbolone or anadrol. With the reduction diet, you can notice faster fat burning (especially along with clenbuterol - they work synergistically), therefore it has a wide range of applications. It can be used even by bodybuilders who have increased resting blood pressure. Many use it during preparations for the competition - combining it with halotestin, trenbolone and winstrol, one can achieve a sensational definition.

In medicine, oxandrolone was used primarily to treat the loss of lean body mass in patients with AIDS, as well as in patients after severe injuries who have undergone an exhaustive catabolic phase and are in the process of restoring lost body weight, also in burn patients, after heavy surgery surgery, after or in the course of chronic or acute infectious diseases that combine with the negative nitrogen balance, in patients after chemotherapy and after treatment with corticosteroids and to prevent osteoporosis in women. What is very important - low androgenic properties do not cause the closing of the bone roots in people who are still in the process of growth. Oxandrolone also does not cause significant disruption of the hypothalamus - pituitary - testicular system. It is also worth mentioning that Oxandrolone as a non-toxic compound, even in high therapeutic doses, used even for a long period of time, is used to treat patients with alcohol-related liver damage, as well as in liver cirrhosis. It follows that this is the measure for everything.
