
Testosterone blend There are 5 products.

Testosterone Blend * Sustanon * Omnadren

Sustanon is a very popular steroid. Users appreciate it as it offers several advantages over other testosterone preparations. It is a blend of four different testosterones that show a synergistic effect on the basis of a well-matched formulation. The effect of four testosterones is time-consuming, so the sustanon begins to act very quickly and remains active for several weeks in the body. Thanks to the propionate contained, Sustanon develops its effect within one day, and decanoat provides three to four-week activity. Sustanon has a pronounced androgenic effect that links with strong anabolic components. Sustanon suppresses endogenous testosterone production. In women, the intake of depot testosterone is not recommended because it strongly increases androgen levels and could result in virilization symptoms.

Side effects of sustanone are similar to testosterone enanthate, only occur less frequently, not so strongly. With regard to individual assumptions and dosages, the user can register common androgenic side effects such as acne, aggression, excessive sexual stimulation, oily skin, increased hair loss, and reduced self-production of hormones. Water retention and gynecomastia are kept "within reasonable limits", respectively. is not as common and pronounced as enanthate and cypionate. Hepatic damage is unlikely, but at very high dosages it may increase liver values ​​which normally normalize upon discontinuation of the preparation.

Dosage: 250-1500 mg per week

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